
At MACOM we offer an extensive collection of switches covering multiple commercial and aerospace and defense markets. Our product portfolio has a broad frequency spectrum from DC to 70 GHz. Our silicon Heterolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (HMIC) PIN diode process is ideal for high power and broadband switches operating from 50 MHz to 26 GHz. Our AlGaAs PIN diode process can extend the upper frequency range of our switch die beyond 70 GHz and is ideal for instrumentation and radar applications. Our GaAs pHEMT and MESFET technology is ideal for fast switching and low control voltage switches optimized for both narrow band and broadband applications. Our 75 Ohm absorptive switches are designed specifically for demanding CATV, FTTx and DBS Infrastructure and CPE applications. 

Part Number Description
MASW-007075-000100 GaAs SPDT Absorptive Switch with ASIC Driver
MA8334-014 Switch Module
MASW-009444 GaAs
MASW-008853-000000 GaAs HP
MASW4030G GaAs
MSW2001-200 SP2T PIN Diode Switches
MASW-000834-13560T HMIC™ PIN Diode, 50W
MSW2040-204 SP2T Switch Series, 50 MHz – 4 GHz
MASW-007588-000000 GaAs Broadband
CGY2890SUH Switch SPDT 6 - 18 GHz
MASW-011120 PIN Diode SPDT 200 W Switch for High Power Applications 0.03 - 6.0 GHz
MASW-009588 GaAs
MASW-011151 SPDT Reflective Switch DC - 67 GHz, Ultra Wideband
MASWSS0121 High Isolation Terminated
MSW2041-204 SP2T Switch Series, 50 MHz – 4 GHz
MASW-011173-DIE AlGaAs SP2T Reflective PIN Diode Switch 20 - 55 GHz
MSW2001-200-R SP2T PIN Diode Switches
MASW6010G GaAs
MASW-008899-000000 GaAs
MASW6010 GaAs
MASW-833402-0844B0 High Power Common Anode SP2T PIN Diode Switch Modules
MSW2011-201 SP2T PIN Diode Switches
MASW-833401-0844B0 High Power Common Anode SP2T PIN Diode Switch Modules
MASW-000825-12770T HMIC PIN Diode 20W
MA8334-001 Switch Module
MASW-000822-12770T HMIC™ PIN Diode, 10W
MASW-011197 SPDT Reflective Switch DC - 44 GHz
MASW-011129-DIE AlGaAs SP2T Switch with Integrated Bias Network 2 - 22 GHz
MSW2010-201 SP2T PIN Diode Switches
MASW-011198 SPDT Absorptive Switch DC - 44 GHz
MASW-011105 GaAs SPDT Switch, 17.7 – 31.0 GHz
MASW-011145 4W Ka-band Absorptive SPDT Switch 27 - 31 GHz
MASW-011094 Ka-Band High Power Terminated SPDT PIN Switch
MSW2022-202 SP2T PIN Diode Switch
MASW-011135-CS Millimeter Wave Reflective SP2T with TTL Driver 2 - 26 GHz
MASW-007935-000000 GaAs Terminated
MASW-011191 High Power SPDT Reflective Switch, 10 W
MASWSS0180 GaAs Terminated
MASW-007921 GaAs High-power DC -7GHz
MASW-009101 SPDT Default On High Isolation CATV Switch
MSW2002-200 SP2T PIN Diode Switches
MASWSS0201 GaAs Broadband
MASW-010647 20W HMIC™ Silicon PIN Diode Terminated SPDT Switch
MASWSS0143 GaAs Broadband
MASW-011148 Ka-Band High Power Terminated SPDT PIN Switch 20 - 44 GHz
MSW2062-206 Surface Mount PIN Diode SP2T Switches
MASW-011144-DIE K- & Ka-Band High Power Reflective SPDT PIN Switch Die 20 - 40 GHz
MA4AGSW2 AlGaAs Reflective
MASW-011209 High Power Reflective SP2T Surface Mount Switch
MASW-011111-DIE AlGaAs SP2T PIN Diode Switch with integrated bias circuits Wideband, 80 - 100 GHz
MASW-010370 10 W Antenna Switch with Receive Limiter 1.5 - 4.0 GHz
MASW-011021 HMIC™ Silicon PIN Diode SPDT Switch
MASW-008206-000DIE GaAs
MASW-011186-Q SPDT Reflective Switch
MASW20000 GaAs
MASW-011071 20 W HMIC Silicon PIN Diode Terminated SPDT Switch
MASW-002103-1363 HMIC Silicon PIN Diode
MASW-000932 HMIC™ PIN Diode SPDT 80 Watt Switch
MSW2030-203 SP2T PIN Diode Switch
MASWSS0151 GaAs SPDT Switch DC - 3.0 GHz
MASW-011052 HMIC PIN Diode, SP2T Switch
MASW-011060 Switch, SP2T 100 Watt Reflective
SW-228-PIN GaAs
MASW-011108-DIE High Power Reflective SPDT PIN Diode Switch 6 - 18 GHz
MASWSS0178 High Isolation Terminated
MASW-011036 Ka-Band High Power Terminated SPDT PIN Switch
MASW-011102 GaAs SPDT Non-Reflective Switch DC - 30 GHz
MASW-007221-000000 GaAs
MASW-011107-DIE GaAs SPDT Non-Reflective Switch
MAMF-011170 Integrated Switch and LNA Module 2 - 5 GHz
MA8334-004 Switch Module
MASW-002100-1191 HMIC™ PIN Diode
MASW-011184 SPDT Reflective Switch 1 - 5 GHz
MASW2000 GaAs
MASW-000936 PIN Diode SPDT 120 Watt Switch
MSW2061-206 Surface Mount PIN Diode SP2T Switches
MASW-011055 Switch, SP2T 100 Watt Reflective
MASW-007107-000000 GaAs
MA4SW210 HMIC™ PIN Diode
MASW-011196 High Power Reflective SPDT PIN Diode Switch 6 - 20 GHz
MASW-010646 Ka-Band High Power Reflective SPDT PIN Switch
MAMF-011146 Ka-Band High Power Terminated SPDT PIN Switch with Integrated Driver, 20 - 44 GHz
MASW-011131-CS Millimeter Wave Reflective SP2T with TTL Driver 7.5 - 50 GHz
MSW2032-203 Surface Mount SP2T Switches
MASW-001100-1190 HMIC™ PIN Diode
MSW2050-205 Surface Mount SP2T Switches
SW-226-PIN GaAs
MASWSS0103 High Isolation, GaAs PHEMT MMIC
MAMF-011183 Ka-Band High Power Terminated SPDT PIN Switch with Integrated Driver, 20 - 44 GHz
MSWLM2420-242 SP2T Switch-Limiter
MASW-011206 AlGaAs SP2T Switch with Integrated Bias Network
SW-313-PIN Matched GaAs SPDT Switch
MASW-002102-13580 HMIC™ Si PIN Diode with Bias
MASWSS0202 GaAs Broadband
MSW2000-200 SP2T PIN Diode Switches
MASW-011258 PIN Diode SPDT 120 W Switch 0.05 - 4 GHz
MSW2031-203 Surface Mount SP2T Switches
MASW-011152 SPDT Absorptive Switch DC - 67 GHz
MASW-011128-DIE GaAs SPDT Non-Reflective Switch 0.05- 26.5 GHz
MA4SW210B-1 HMIC PIN Diode with Bias
MASW-008322 GaAs
MASW-008543 GaAs Terminated
MSW2020-202 SP2T PIN Diode Switch
MASW-007071 GaAs SPDT Swtich
MSW2060-206 Surface Mount PIN Diode SP2T Switches
MASW-011098 Packaged High Power 26-40GHz Reflective SPDT PIN Switch
MAMF-011180 High Power Switch with Integrated Bias Controller
MA8334-013 Switch Module
MASW-011227 SPDT Reflective Switch 100 MHz - 9 GHz