
Quad Channel 227Gbps PAM-4 Linear Equalizer

The MAEQ-40914 is a quad 113.5 GBaud (227Gbps) linear PAM4 Equalizer intended to extend the reach of Twinaxial (Twinax) passive copper cables. Depending on the Twinax AWG, the equalizer can extend the length supported by providing a signal boost on each channel up to 15 dB at Nyquist frequency of 53.12 5GHz.

Product Specifications

Part Number
Quad Channel 227Gbps PAM-4 Linear Equalizer
Max Data Rate (Gbps)


  • Quad channel 227Gbps PAM4, fully linear equalizer
  • Extends the reach of a 1 m passive Twinax copper cable up to 2.5 m with ACC
  • Per channel, programmable EQ range of 9dB to 15dB at Nyquist frequency of 53.125 =GHz
  • Optimized EQ settings can be stored in the One Time Programmable (OTP) register area
  • DC coupled inputs and outputs
  • Single 3.3V power supply
  • Supports an optional two-wire interface
  • Supports 64b/66b, 128b/130b and 256b/257b encoded data
  • Supported case temperature range -40C to +95C

Technical Resources

Data Sheet

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Quad Channel 227Gbps PAM-4 Linear Equalizer